BCT technicians continue repairs from historic ice storm
There may be periods of short outages while repairs are made

Your connection is important! As your local communications cooperative, we know how vital it is to have reliable Internet, Video, and Voice services, especially during a time when so many now work, learn, and entertain virtually. The Beavercreek community was challenged when the historic ice and windstorm hit in February. Many of you were without power for weeks as PGE and BCT crews worked nonstop to repair extreme utility damage from fallen trees and broken limbs from the accumulation of ice.
When it was safe to do so following the initial wave of the storm, BCT technicians began to identify the damage and started to restore services to affected areas. In most cases, temporary lines were hung to get members reconnected as quickly as possible until permanent fixes were made.
There were over 40 locations within the BCT service area that totaled more than 2.5 miles of irreparably damaged aerial coaxial facilities, that is, the Internet cables that hang from PGE poles. Downed trees and broken power lines fell on the cables and resulted in burnt, broken, kinked, and cracked coaxial, often caused by a shockwave sent down the line. Power surges from downed lines can also damage amplifiers and connectors. While the repair work was minimal at a few locations, the majority were so badly damaged that the aerial cables had to be completely replaced.
Thus far, approximately 45 spans of coaxial have been replaced, encompassing about 13,500 feet of new cable. There are still several locations in the BCT service area that have yet to be moved from temporary to replacement cabling. During the repair process, it is necessary to turn off services in the affected area briefly in order to safely transfer service from the temporary lines to the new ones. These service disruptions range from a few minutes to several hours depending on the situation at the affected damaged area.
Members in these areas may experience short service outages during the weekday as we work to complete everyone’s repairs. When this type of work is being done, notification is sent to the Member Services and Technical Support teams so they can inform members who call in to inquire.
The cooperative business model is about lending a hand to friends in need. Our crews don’t do this work just because it’s their job, they do it because they live here too. Their kids go to school here. They shop at local stores and participate in local events and causes. They want to see their neighbors thrive.
We thank you for your patience and understanding as network infrastructure repairs near-permanent completion.
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